Aims and Objectives
To provide training in the safe use and inspection of ladders, the course is aimed at improving knowledge and enhancing ability to use the equipment safely in accordance with Working at Height Regulations 2005. By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
Awareness of current legislation
Understand the principles of risk assessments and the five steps
Understand the basic principles for the safe use of ladders, step ladders and fixed ladders
Explain the functions of named parts
Have the knowledge to identify various common defects of the ladders, step ladders and fixed ladders
Carry out routine inspections
No formal qualifications or experience are necessary, but it would be beneficial if candidates had a basic understanding of work at height issues. Literacy and language comprehension are important requirements on all courses. Any physical impairment or literacy issues should be discussed with LTC Training Services prior to making a booking so we can best accommodate your needs
Course Content
Introduction and housekeeping
Aims and objectives
Definition of a competent person
Legal overview
Definition of working at heights
Defining a safe place of work
Identifying the various equipment on site and their principle uses
Common defects found with ladders, step ladders and fixed ladders
Practical element/the right equipment for the job
Storing equipment
Multi-choice question paper
Course review
Who will benefit from this course
Safe Use and Inspection of Ladder Course is aimed at personnel who use any type of padder in their workplace and who are or will be responsible for formal inspection of Ladders and Step Ladders in the work place
Additional Web notes
Email - Please NoteEquipment: You will be required to bring the following PPE;
Hard hat
Safety boots
PLEASE NOTE: LTC Training Services are unable to supply safety boots, in the case that you do not bring safety boots, we can sell them at £15.00 + VAT